Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ten Can Soup

Lately, we have been workin' the crock pot dinners! On Sunday night, we had some friends over and we ate pot roast with carrots, potatoes, and onions in the crock pot. Earlier in the week, we had corned beef with cabbage in the crock pot. I just love the convenience of throwing some stuff in, turning it on, and coming back a few hours later to an amazing dinner. Doesn't that sound nice?! I think we'll be doing this pretty often now that the weather is getting chilly!

On Menu Plan Monday, I said we would be having Ten Can Soup this week. Yet another crock pot meal! It's got a catchy name, but it's just Brunswick Stew. And I do so love a good Brunswick Stew (RIP, Old South BBQ. You are missed!).

Oh, by the way, I have this thing about canned meat. I hate it. But for this recipe, I just temporarily suspend my abhorrence. And it's worth it. But, if you can't do that, you can most certainly substitute meat that you've cooked yourself. Although that would take this easy recipe into a whole new realm of difficulty. I just don't want to go there...because I'm lazy!

Ten Can Soup

2 cans stewed tomatoes*
1 can creamed corn
1 can whole kernel corn
1 can English peas
1 can lima beans
1 can bbq pork
1 can bbq beef
1 can chicken
1 can Castleberry's Brunswick Stew**
1 T white vinegar
1 T lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in crock pot. Cook on low for about 3 hours.

* I used fire-roasted diced. Kurt's favorite!
** I couldn't find this, so I left it out. I guess I'm really making 9 can soup?!

1 comment:

  1. Old south is alive and well! It closed temporarily for renovations, but it's open again. Enjoy the soup! We haven't figured the points on this, so u till I do, I won't be eating it.


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