Monday, November 15, 2010

Menu Plan Monday: Nov. 15 - 21

This week is all about using what we have! Next week, we'll be traveling for Thanksgiving with my family and we don't want leftovers hanging around in the fridge. We're also having a Thanksgiving dinner this week with Kurt's family. Here's the plan:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Menu Plan Monday: November 8-14

I am so proud of myself this week. I made my menu plan on Saturday, instead of this morning. And I went to the grocery store alone last night instead of waiting until today and having to take Liam with me.  I even wrote this post last night and scheduled it for this morning! Woot!

I'm planning to make these Chicken and Veggie Nuggets for Liam's lunch this week. For dinner, he usually just eats whatever we're having, so I don't have to make him a separate meal. But, he has been very picky and uninterested in lunch these days, so I've been trying to get creative about what I serve him. I bought some Whole Grain Sandwich Thins that I'm planning to use for mini pizzas. I also bought flour tortillas because he loves quesadillas. Yesterday, he had his first almond butter and strawberry jam sandwich and was a huge fan. So I think we'll be having those more often!

If you have any ideas for toddler food, please share!

Also, if you need help getting starting on menu planning or just need some new ideas, go visit Laura!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Menu Plan Monday: November 1-7

We had a great time this past week with my mom visiting. Liam really enjoyed all the extra attention from his Grandy. I think he was sad to see her go. And I know she was sad to leave him. While Mom was here, we didn't end up cooking everything from last week's menu plan, so you might see some repeats this week.

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