I've been AWOL for almost 2 months. Did anyone notice? If you did, I'm sorry. I have many excuses I could offer. But let's just pretend I've been here the whole time, and then I won't have to bother with those!
I saw Kelly's post on Friday about how she met her husband. Even though it is terribly belated, I decided to write my own post. I thought it would be appropriate, since Kurt and I celebrated our third anniversary this month! Plus, I think we have a neat story.
Most people probably don't meet the love their life on the first day of ninth grade. I did.
On my first day of high school (in August 1998) a mutual friend, Robyn, introduced us. She had gone to middle school with Kurt. At the time, I don't think she had any idea just how important that introduction would be! (Thanks, Robyn!) We were in Personal Fitness in the gym, with Coach Worsham. I even remember what Kurt was wearing--jeans, a white shirt, and a navy blue sweater vest. That year, Kurt played football and he was so buff and cute! I don't remember what we talked about, but I know I left the gym that day with the beginnings of a crush. But I also thought that he was not really my type, even out of my league. I was sure that he was probably a total jerk. And...I had a boyfriend.
I'm not really sure how Kurt won me over, but he did. I broke up with that other guy and dated Kurt all year! We had such an eventful year together. We went to the Homecoming Dance. We couldn't drive, so his parents came to pick me up. At the restaurant, we got to sit by ourselves at our own table! We went to the Plowboy Dance. My parents drove that time, and we ate at Outback. We went to a Little River Band concert at Wild Adventures with his family. We even racked up some serious phone charges while Kurt was in Colorado for the summer. Most famously, we got caught kissing at school and I got written up. I still have the form!

Leaving for the Homecoming Dance (yes, my eyes are closed!)

At the Plowboy Dance

At my parent's house before church one Wednesday night

Leaving for the Homecoming Dance (yes, my eyes are closed!)

At the Plowboy Dance

At my parent's house before church one Wednesday night
I guess all good things must come to an end. And so did we (in the summer/fall of 1999). Neither of us are really sure what happened. But we both agree that we never really got over each other. We both dated other people after that. I dated the same guy for almost 4 years, and Kurt dated the same girl for (I think) 5 years. When my guy and I broke up (in the spring/summer of 2005), the first thing he said was,"Don't date Kurt." That really got me thinking. I had always considered Kurt "the one that got away." So I had to know. I had to.
After some emails and Facebook messages, Kurt and I agreed to meet up when he happened to be in Valdosta next (Kurt was going to college in Nashville at the time). It just so happened that our reunion ended up being Kurt's birthday party at his parents' house. I remember driving over there that night, being so nervous. I had no idea what to expect. I didn't really know how Kurt felt about me. I didn't know if this was going to be totally awkward or totally awesome.
That night, when I got out of the car, the first thing I saw was Kurt smiling at me. I instantly felt comfortable. We had a great time that night catching up. It was like we just picked up right where we left off...six years later. I stayed at his parents' house until 3am. Then, we talked on the phone for a few more hours after I got home. Craziness.

Hanging out in the pool with my niece, Emma

Hanging out in the pool with my niece, Emma

We were engaged a year later (July 2006), and married a little less than a year after that.

April 14, 2007

April 14, 2007
And that's our story.