Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Now Growing...
Now growing...Liam (and mommy's belly)! I can't believe that we're already 30 weeks into this pregnancy. And I really can't believe that we are 10 weeks (or less) away from meeting our son! Each week, I get email from BabyCenter about what is going on during that particular week of pregnancy. This week, week 30, BabyCenter says that Liam is almost 16 inches long and should weigh about 3 pounds! BabyCenter also has a slideshow with pictures of fruits and vegetables and compares them to the baby's size or weight at any given week during the pregnancy. This week, we have a...

...cabbage! Not really, though. The cabbage isn't comparable in size, but it is comparable to Liam's weight now. He's really growing! We can't wait to see how big he'll be when he is born, who he'll look like, and even who he is more like in personality.
In preparation for Liam's arrival, Kurt and I have been working like crazy on transforming our former guest room into a nursery. First, we had to clean out what furniture was in the guest room. A big thank-you to the Petersons for bringing the trailer up to Nashville and storing my beloved bed at their home! Next, we painted. Well, actually I didn't paint. Kurt and his friend Ryan did an amazing job on that (thanks, boys!). The same night that they finished painting, they put up the twin bed and the crib. I supervised, while relaxing on the twin bed!
Since then, Kurt and I have slowly been putting things on the walls and getting the closet cleaned out. The original plan was to use half of Liam's closet for our miscellaneous storage, but once we realized just how many clothes this little boy had, we knew he'd need the whole thing! We have been extremely blessed so far in all the gifts we've received. Both Kurt and I are grateful for the wonderful friends and family we have, and we're even more excited for them all to love on Liam once he gets here. It takes a village, right?!
Here are the pictures. Keep in mind that these are not the finished product. I've got a lot of sewing to do before the room is really finished.